Volunteers Afternoon Tea

A very enjoylable afternoon tea was held in the Village Hall to say thank you to the team of volunteers who make our shows possible.

Hosted by Jan Higgins, volunteers were treated to a performance by the Kings Bromley Harmony Choir under the musical direction of Kathryn Hopson.

The society are always on the lookout for new members to get involved in helping with organising the shows, so if you could lend a hand please send us a message via the contact page.

In Jan’s own words…

First of all I would like to thank the Choir for entertaining us, absolutely  amazing

Thank you everyone for volunteering over the last year, so very much appreciated. If it wasn’t for  volunteers we would not be able to run our events, so many thanks once again.

For 2025 events we are looking for Volunteers  to take over certain roles, please get in touch if you would like to get more involved.

Trade Organiser

Food & Beverage Organiser

Amusement Organiser

Other roles where you could help are:

Marking out the field, putting up signs &  marquees as part of a team

For any orgainisation to run effectively you need a committee.

We currently have committee vacancies. You would be required to attend monthly meeting to plan events throughout the year.

The Society also needs to recruit a Society Secretary. You would need to attend 4 meeting per year in this role.

Many thanks once again for giving up your time to help in 2024. We really appreciate and value you all.

We will be in touch after Christmas with news of another social event as its good to get together.

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