Miniature Gardens

Sponsored by Janet and Paul Woolley

Prize Money:    

All Classes                      1st – £5.00    2nd – £3.00    3rd – £1.00

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Please select which classes you would like to enter
Under 16 - Please select which classes you would like to enter
You can make multiple entries to any of the classes listed! We need this information so that we can allocate the appropriate space on our stands. Entries are charged at £0.50p each (16 & Under FREE Entry).

Additional Rules & Guidance Notes  (Classes 141 – 199 only)

  1. All vegetables are to be exhibited clean. The exhibitors will use their own containers. Where possible exhibits should be named. Exhibits must be in water or water retaining material where applicable. Pot diameters and container sizes are unlimited except where specified.
  2. The Committee shall be at liberty to inspect gardens of intending exhibitors in order to see the articles for competition. All produce must be from the exhibitor’s own garden and cultivated by them, or have been in their possession for at least two months prior to the Show.
  3. There will only be one entry per class per exhibitor in this Section.
  4. A ‘Senior’ citizen is a person of 65 years of age or over.
  5. The definition of a ‘Novice’ is a person who has not previously won any prize in the Collections section of the Show.


Section Organiser: (for all Horticultural classes)

Tricia Rothery
Tel: 07717 133771

Entry Fees:         £0.50p per entry (under 16 & Garden Competition Free)