The Kings Bromley Show organised by the Society is the major village event of the year. It takes twelve months work on the part of a few volunteers to achieve this and the support of more members of the village would be wonderful.
There is a lot of work for a few people, so if you could help to organise something in advance, or help on the day, please contact us. There are many things to be done and so few people offer to help do them. Many country shows have ceased through lack of volunteers.
The Society helps the community. Enriching village life is one of the Society’s aims. On the Show Field itself, benches have been put in place, stiles on the public footpath have been replaced by kissing gates and native species of trees have been planted, some of which have been dedicated to the memory of committed Society Members.
New oak gates were installed and engraved to mark the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee and spring bulbs planted. There is a great deal of work done to keep this as a pleasant open space for everyone to enjoy and help is always needed – such as an hour’s mowing, or cutting hedges.
Community Projects undertaken in the past few years include the production of four leaflets describing walks around the parish (available free), the provision of a pictorial map of the Parish on display in the church (unframed limited edition prints available at £10), the planting of daffodil bulbs in the grass verge alongside the Show Field, funding for a dog-waste bin in Vicarage Lane, another outside the Show Field, a litter bin in the nearest layby and a substantial contribution to repair and replace village notice boards.
Whenever possible the Society makes the field available to others. The school, cricket, football and youth clubs use the field on a regular basis.
The Society helps village organisations. Direct help in the form of grants have been awarded to the Pre-School group, the Village Hall, Nursing Home Fundraisers, the Historians, Churchyard Maintenance team, Swifts Football, Bowling, Snooker and Credo Clubs.
For several years, the Open Gardens weekends were fully funded so that all money raised could be donated to charity. Indirect help is also given by providing a free opportunity for groups to raise their own funds by playing a part in the Show and also by making the Society’s field available for events.
Please spare a little time to contribute to your community by helping in advance of the Show, at the Show or with maintaining the open space of the Show Field. There is only one way to help and that is to let someone know you are willing. Look on our website for a complete list of helpers needed and ring Show Coordinator Kirsten Harber on 01543 472120.
Become a Member
A membership fee of £8 (January to December) gives free admission to the Show for an adult and child, a quarterly newsletter, attendance at the AGM giving an opportunity to make comments and suggestions on the running of the Society and Show, plus the satisfaction of helping to maintain a valued Kings Bromley tradition.
Contact Tricia Rothery, Membership Secretary,1 Alrewas Road, Kings Bromley or email details to
Please help to ensure the future of Kings Bromley Show.