This family fun dog show will have classes for Pedigree Dogs plus fun classes, open to all dogs of any kind.
Prizes: Special prizes for Best in Show
Reserve Best in Show
Best Puppy in Show
1st to 5th places in all classes will receive prizes
Pedigree Classes: open to Any Variety
- Puppy (any puppy up to 12 months)
- Sporting (any Gundog, Terrier or Hound)
- Non-sporting (any Toy, Utility, Working or Pastoral)
- Open (open to all pedigree dogs)
Fun classes: Open to any type of dog
- Junior Handling – by any junior aged 6 – 16 years
- Best Crossbreed
- Fancy Dress (dogs and/or people!!)
- Prettiest Bitch
- Most Handsome Dog
- Most Appealing Eyes
- Best Rescue
- Best Condition
- Best Veteran (dogs aged 6 years or over)
- Waggiest Tail
- Best Trick
Entries on the day from 11.00am First Class commences at 12 Noon PROMPT
Section Organiser:
Ann McDermott Tel: 01827 382168
Judges: Adrian Corry & Fleur Holden
Entry fees: £1.00 per entry (under 16 Free)